Monday, 12 October 2009

Reading books - too easy? too hard? boring?

The most common of these is the assertion by parents that their child's reading books are too easy.
I have heard this said by parents in the past but it is my belief that it is usually borne out of a lack of understanding about the development of the successful reader.
Your school will probably have a policy document that covers their philosophy about the teaching of reading.
In my own school, we are keen to promote the enjoyment of books from an early age and we talk about the 90-95% rule; that is, if your child is able to read between 90 and 95 % of the words in the book, then it is probably set at about the right level of challenge. So, conversely, if they are unable to or are struggling to read more than about 10% of the words then it is likely that the whole experience of reading that book will be counter-productive.
We are in the business of encouraging our children to develop a love for books – every reading experience needs to be a successful and a pleasurable one, not a struggle and a lesson in failure.

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